
1. Advanced

  • User Idle Timeout: A time (minutes) after which, user will be considered offline if no interim-update is received from NAS.
  • Mikrotik interim update: Overrides NAS interim-update value and take it from SAS. Valid only for Mikrotik.
  • Remote Control Method: Which protocol that will use Tools->System Service->Remote Access Tunnel to connect.
  • Lock Prepaid Cards To Owner: Manager can activate only cards that own.
  • Disconnect On Activation: Disconnect users once it activates.
  • Disconnect On Update: Disconnect users once update/delete.
  • Lock user MAC on login: First login will lock MAC to this username.
  • Reset User Traffic On Profile Change
  • Radius Username Case Sensitivity
  • Accept Invalid Users: Radius will make authenticate for invalid users under Account Username.
  • Invalid Account Username: Username that invalid users will connect by.
  • Limit User Activation via Reward Points/Month (times): Managers won't activate above this number of reward points.
  • Add Random Delay to User Authentication: Force random time (1~3 seconds) delay every time a user connects. This delay is useful to avoid unauthorized multi-session connections. In which users abuse service by dialing the same user multiple times instantly.
  • Webhook Notifications: Push SAS real-time data to other application.
  • Webhook Notifications URL (POST): Url that SAS will POST request to.

2. Backup

  • Initialize Disk (Format): System will partition disk and format it with fat.
  • Backup Disk: Disk format must either ntfs or fat format
  • Disk Partition: At least one disk partition.
  • Daily Backup Time: Enable Daily Backups to specify Time. Set the analog clock then click on OK.
  • Include Session Records: Backup will increase due to all user session to be added.
  • Upload To Google Drive: Use Google Drive to upload backup in it.

3. Email

To set email service fill out SMTP Server Address & port fields. If the server requires authentication then add username, password and type of security. If not, only add sender email. Before you save you can test changes where you will be prompted to add email recipient. Fill all fields with necessary data. In Below-left Test button will send a test message to an email address

4. Email Templates

Email templates that will use be system services. Pay attention to email keywords that locate in page footer.

5. Free Zone

This feature allows you to exclude some IP ranges from traffic accounting, such as local google traffic or local IPTV service. Enabling it requires enabling Mikrotik IP Accounting service and making it reachable via HTTP.

6. General Settings

Self explained.

7. License

Exhibits system license information, if the status is inactive and some details no longer exist then you have to check server connectivity.

8. Network

Manage your network configuration.

9. Notification

9.1 User Notification

Notify users through SMS or Email when activation or expiration.

  • Email Notifications
  • User Activation Template
  • User Registration Template
  • User Expiration Warning Template
  • User Termination Template
  • Notify via SMS on activation
  • Notify via SMS on expiration
  • Send SMS before expiration in: Reminder of expiration.

9.2 Manager Notifications

  • Show dashboard notification: A notify message will appear above dashboard section.
  • Dashboard notification type
  • Dashboard Notification Text
  • Show Login Page Message: A notify message will appear at the top of login page.
  • Manager Login Page Message
  • Show Welcome Screen On Login: A message will appear once manager login.

10. Permission Groups

SAS has a very flexible permissions' system allowing admin to create any type of managers. Each manager must belong to a permissions group, groups can be created from Settings->Permissions. To create one, go to Actions and select ‘Create’, give it a proper name. Later, select the newly created group from the list. Below the list there will be two trees, the right one is for the available permissions, the left one is for the given ones. Select the desired permissions from the right tree and move them to the left tree using the arrows in the middle.

Permission List

Permission Code Description
Backup - Create permits creating backups for the system database
Backup - Delete permits deleting backup files
Backup - Download permits downloading backup files
Backup - Restore permits restoring backup files
Backup - Upload permits uploading backup files from PC to the server
Cards - Change Owner permits changing the owner of a group of cards
Cards - Delete permits deleting group of cards
Cards - Designer permits using the designer of the card
Cards - Download permits downloading group of cards as PDF or CSV
Cards - Generate Refill Cards permits generating refill cards
Cards - Generate Prepaid Users permits generating prepaid users cards
Cards - Series Index permits listing cards series
Cards - Cancel Generator permits canceling running cards job
Cards - List PINs permits listing of card details such as pin, username, password.
Cards - Suspend & Release permits suspending and releasing groups of cards.
Cards - Verify permits using the cards verification dialog, which shows all card information
Dashboard - Manage permits creating, editing, deleting dashboards
Dashboard - Widget Factory permits creating and editing dashboard widgets
Managers - Change Self Password Permits changing accounting password
Managers - Create Permits creating managers
Managers - Delete Permits deleting managers
Managers - Deposit Money Permits deposit money to other managers
Managers - Export to Excel Permits exporting managers list to excel file
Managers - Index Permits listing managers
Managers - Index (All Managers) Permits listing all system managers, even the ones not belonging to the logged-in manager.
Managers - Show Invoices Permits listing manager’s invoices
Managers - Show Journal Permits listing manager’s account statements (journal)
Managers - Login As This is a very dangerous permission. It allows the manager to login as another manager without even knowing his/her password. Useful only for admins for debugging purposes.
Managers - Show Receipts Permits listing manager’s receipts
Managers - Rename Permits renaming managers (changing their login username).
Managers - System Administrator Granting this permission will allow the logged-in manager to be treated as an ‘admin’. He will be able to perform all operations performed by the administrator.
Managers - Update Permits updating managers belonging to the logged in manager.
Managers - Withdraw Money Permits withdrawing money from underneath managers.
NAS - Create Permits creating of NASs
NAS - Delete Permits deleting NASs
NAS - Export Permits exploring NAS list to excel file
NAS - Index Permits listing NASs
NAS - Update Permits updating NASs information
Profiles - Create Permits the manager to create profiles, recommended not to be given to anyone except for system admins.
Profiles - Delete Permits deleting profiles
Profiles - Update Permits editing profiles
Profiles - Index Permits listing profiles
Profiles - Pricing Management Permits the manager to set different pricing for his sub-managers and users.
Policies - Policy Manager Permits editing policies for profiles
Reports - Activation Refer to Activation & Activation Statistics
Reports - Cards Usage Refer to Cards usage
Reports - Manager invoices Refer to Managers Invoices
Reports - Manager journal Refer to Managers Journal
Reports - Sessions Refer to Sessions
Reports - System log Refer to System Log
Reports - User Refer to Users
Reports - User Auth Log Refer to User Auth Log
Reports - Export Journal Exports data of Managers Journal
Settings - Systems Settings Permits the manager to view and save system settings
Tools - Announcements Permits the manager to send announcements to his users via Email, SMS & Telegram
Tools - Bandwidth Control Permits changing profiles speed on the fly without editing them.
Tools - Import Data Permits the manager to import users, managers,cards from excel or csv files.
User - Activate Activates a user
User - Activate using voucher Permits the manger to activate a user by using the voucher
User - Activate using manger balance Activates a user from manager balance
User - Activate using user balance Activates a user from its balance
User - Edit advanced fields Edits a user expiration and other dangerous fields
User - Cancel subscription Cancels a user subscription and refunds user remaining balance.
User - Cancel scheduled profile change Cancels scheduled profile change
User - Change profile Changes user profile
User - Change profile of active user Changes active user profile
User - Create Creates a new user
User - Delete Deletes users
User - Delete active users Deletes active users
User - Deposit money Deposits money to user
User - Disconnect Disconnects online user
User - Export to Excel Exports user data to Excel
User - Extend service Extends user services
User - Show user history Shows user history
User - Index Lists belonging users
User - List all users Lists all belonging and non- belonging users.
User - Show users invoices Shows users invoices
User - Show users journal Shows users journal
User- edit MAC addresses Edits user MAC addresses.
User - MAC lock user Locks user MAC.
User - Ping Checks connections between SAS server and user.
User - POS Processes user transactions
User - Rename Renames users
User - Reset daily Quota Resets daily Quota
User - Rewards points system Allows activating users via Reward Points
User - Show sessions Shows user sessions
User - show password Shows user password
User - Show support tickets Shows user support tickets
User - Update Updates user personal information
User - Live traffic monitor Shows live traffic monitor
User - Withdraw money Withdraws user money
User Control Panel - Activate Allows self user activation
User Control Panel - Auto Permits user to auto login
User Control Panel - Enable/ Disable/ Auto renew Enables/ Disables/ Auto renews user account.
User Control Panel - Billing Shows user receipts and invoices
User Control Panel - Show packages Shows available subscription packages
User Control Panel - Cancel Subscription Cancels user subscription
User Control Panel - Change User info Changes user info.
User Control Panel - Change password Changes user password.
User Control Panel - Change profile Changes user profile.
User Control Panel - Show data usage Shows user data usage.
User Control Panel - delete documents Detelets user documents.
User Control Panel - Show documents Show user documents.
User Control Panel - Upload documents Uploads user documents.
User Control Panel - Extend users Extends user account.
User Control Panel - Allow login Allows user to login to UCP.
User Control Panel - Show sessions Shows user sessions.
User Control Panel - Submit Support tickets Submits support tickets.

11. Payment Gateways

Select a payment system on the right-hand list, all details will appear for selected gateway.

12. Postpaid Billing

Enable ‘ Auto Generate Invoices’ to generate invoices automatically, specify the number of days to generate invoices prior to expiration. You can add a day(s) as a grace period before service disconnection. Also, you can disable users with overdue invoices by enabling the toggle button below.

13. Sites

Add new or select site from box shown above, enter site domain, site title, logo URL and company details. Enable then save.

14. SMS

On the ‘SMS Configuration’ interface, you can set SMS service for activation & expiration warning. Enter SMS API Url & select either GET or POST for API method. Then test by entering mobile number than save.

15. SASTrack

For SASTrack Settings, enable SASTrack, enter SASTrack IP address & SASTrack shared secret then save.

16. Telegram

From Telegram setting you can send a Welcome message by Enabling Telegram Bot, entering SAS4 public domain/IP, Bot Token, write activation or expiration warning message then send. For expiration warning messages, select from 0-3 days before expiration date then save.

17. User Portal

These settings enable registered users to set their default profile/ parent, recover password, and stop cards auto-activation.

18. Web

To save changes for web portal Setting, server reboot is required for some changes to take effect.