
1. Profile Index

It includes each profile details. Use the List icon in the top right corner to add or hide columns.

2. Profile Actions

  • New: Check Create Profile section.
  • Edit:
  • Copy: From ‘Actions’ Click on Copy to get New Profile Name for the selected profile(s).
  • Delete: From ‘Actions’ Click on Delete for deletion of the selected profile(s).

3. Create Profile

To start a new profile Click on Actions then New. A 7-category profile form will appear with mandatory fields marked with asterisks (* ).

Herein details of each category:

3.1 Basic Information
  • Profile Name: Human-readable title for each profile
  • Enabled: When disabled, users on this profile will be disabled too and managers will not be able to create users on this profile.
  • Price: Default price for the profile, excluding VAT.
  • Available in UCP: Allow clients to select the profile from their client portal.
  • Download Rate: Maximum download speed.
  • Upload Rate: Maximum upload speed.
  • Profile Type:
    • Prepaid: Users on this profile will get disconnected when expired, pay is ‘in advance’.
    • Postpaid: Users on this profile type will remain online when they get expired or consume all their traffic/time allowance.
    • FUP: Profiles of this type will be listed in the ‘Expiry Service’ field.
    • Extension: Used to extend user service without changing their current profile, such as adding extra days of more traffic.
  • Value Added Tax (VAT): Extra charges may be added to activation cost.
3.2 Service Limits
  • Limit Expiration: When ON, users will get disconnected if they exceed their expiration date.
  • Expiration Units: Days, months or hours.
  • Limit Uptime: You can limit the profile by total online uptime, hours or minutes. For example, setting it to 10 hours will allow a total of 10 hours of internet usage. These 10 hours will be valid depending on the setting of ‘Expiration Units’.
  • Limit Download: Used to set a limit over user total download traffic. To use it, turn it on and set the download traffic limit in MB.
  • Limit Upload: Used to set a limit on user total upload traffic. To use it, turn it on and set the upload traffic limit in MB.
  • Limit Total Traffic: Used to set a limit on the total traffic (DL+UL) consumed by the user.
3.3 Daily Quota

Limits set in this section are similar to ‘Service Limits’ except they are counted on daily basis and are reset back to 0 at mid-night.

3.4 Advanced Settings
  • IP Pool Mode: SAS4 supports two methods to provide an IP address to the CPE. First, using NAS Pool, in this mode you provide the name of the IP pool which you already have in your NAS, then it is your NAS responsibility to assign an IP address from the provided pool. Second, using SAS IP Pools requires you to create IP Pools into SAS4 from the IP Pool section. In the SAS IP Pool mode, there is no need to create any pools in your NAS, it also ensures that no duplicate IP addresses will ever be given to clients.
  • Expired Next Profile: When the user account becomes expired, the system will automatically switch his/her profile to the one selected here.
  • Quota Next Profile: When the user consumes the allowed monthly/weekly traffic, the system will automatically switch his/her profile to the one selected here.
  • Daily Next Profile: When the user consumes his allowed daily traffic or uptime, the system will automatically switch his/her profile to the one selected here.
  • Ignore Static IP: If the user has a static IP set, this option will ignore it. Useful for FUP (Fair Usage Policy) profiles where you don’t want to give users the same privileges when having static IP.
  • Privacy: Set the profile to be public or private. When it is private, another select box appears to select managers who are allowed to see and use this profile.
  • Allow Sub-Managers: When selecting managers allowed to see the profile, you get to choose if their sub-managers are allowed too.
  • Allowed Services: Profile usage is restricted to Hotspot or PPP link, or both of them.
  • Fix Expiration Time: When enabled, you get the option to create fixed expiration time while activating a user. If not enabled, user next expiration time will be calculated based on current system clock.
  • Debitable service: If enabled, users with zero balance can extend service when managers activate this option.
  • Freezone: Enable freezone operation for this profile.
  • Max Price ($): The highest price a manager can set for this profile managers beneath him in Profile Pricing.
  • Max End User Price ($): The highest price a manager can set for this profile managers user beneath him in Profile Pricing.
3.5 Mikrotik Settings
  • Download/ Upload CIR (kbps): ‘Committed Information Rate’ the speed rate allowed for users to download or upload data,normally users can’t get rates lower than the specified one.
  • Address List: This is Mikrotik only option, when set, users belonging to that profile will get added to firewall address-list automatically if they go online.
  • Queue Priority: Sets Mikrotik simple-queue priority for this user. Default is 8. Please refer to Mikrotik manuals for more details Mikrotik Queue Manual
3.6 Billing Options
  • Monthly Account: When enabled, users will get billed on a fixed day of the month regardless of their activation date. So If enabled and set to ‘5’, then activating any user will impose its expiration on the 5th of next month. Setting it to 0 will fix expiration on the same day of last activation date.
  • Carry over Remaining Quota: Enable this option to use remaining balance from last activation to renew service. When disabled, the remaining traffic from last billing period will be ignored.
  • Reset Daily Traffic: Used to reset user’s traffic for the current day. This option is meant to be used with ‘extension’ profiles. This way you can offer your resellers & users the option to reset their daily usage for a predefined price.
  • Reset Expiration On Activation: From this toggle button, expiration date will automatically be reset at time of activation process.
  • Quota Addition Date: When activating a user on this profile, usually the quota is given immediately. However, if the user is already active, you might want to preserve the quota to the next billing period.
  • Preserve Traffic Counters for Expired Users: By default, activating expired users will ignore the current traffic balance. This option will allow you to preserve it.
3.7 Reward Points
  • Awarded Reward Points: Number of points awarded to the manager when activating a user on that profile. Reward points can be used later to activate/extend users.
  • Allow Activation via Reward Points: Enable/Disable activation of users on the profile via reward points. When enabled, you get to set the number of required reward points to activate a user on the profile
  • Required Reward Points: Number of points required to activate a user on the profile.

4. Profile Features

Select profile(s),Click on ‘Actions’. Then Edit .Profile Form appears with two basic features on right-top :

  • Daily Policies: This feature allows you to specify service behaviors at different levels through the day. Click on (+) at the top right corner to control profile policy type, target, download/upload rates, times and dates then save.
  • Custom Radius Attributes: This feature allows you to set specific vendor attributes to be sent to your NAS.

5. Profile Pricing

Every profile/service in SAS has a price. When activating users, the prices will be calculated based on the price you determined on the profile form. However, sometimes you want to sell services to managers at different prices. It is possible to do so from the Profiles -> Price List.

To submit or reset pricing list, go to profile pricing, select manager name from managers tree,a price list will come up, fill out fields requiring profile type ,Cost, Price and End User Price then submit..

There is an important rule to consider for pricing per manager scheme, you can not set a price for a manager lower than the price of his parent manager. In other words, it is not possible to set pricing for a manager lower than the cost. SAS4 is a commission system. Please consider that diagram below:

In the above diagram, profile ‘A’ has a base price of $10 set in profile form. Admin has set pricing for reseller1 to $12, and reseller1 has set pricing for sub-reseller-A & B to $15 & $16. Now suppose sub-reseller-A activates a user on this profile, $15 will be deducted from sub-reseller-A, $3 of them will be given to Reseller1 and $12 will return to Admin. The $3 given to reseller1 is considered a ‘commission’. Commissions are given to managers when their sub-resellers active users on a profile and they have higher pricing rate than their parents. Note that in the above diagram, Reseller2 has no pricing set for this profile, so default pricing will be considered ($10). However, when sub-reseller-C activates user on this profile, he will be charged $14, a $4 commission will be given to his parent Reseller 2 and $10 will return to Admin.

6. Profile Usage Notifications

Notifies users upon reaching a traffic threshold.

Lists all profile notifications. Some table columns are not visible by default. You can set which columns to show or hide using the list-icon located on the top-right of the table.

  • Actions

    • New: From ‘Actions’, select New, Fill out the Usage Notification Form then submit. The Form includes 4 known services for usage notification (SMS, Telegram, Email and Webhook) other Elements are :
      • Counter to Check: it shows whether data consumption is on a daily or monthly basis.
      • Usage Threshold (%): shows at which level notification gets triggered.
    • Edit: From ‘Actions’ click on Edit, You can edit data then submit.
    • Delete: Select notification, then Delete.

7. Profile Addons

Enables managers to add extra features to existing profiles for a certain duration and extra cost.

  • Actions

    • New
      • Name: Addons name.
      • Expiration: Days, months or hours.
      • Set Mikrotik Address List: Users belonging to that profile will get added to firewall address-list automatically if they go online.
      • Address List Name: Same name in Mikrotik firewall address-list.
      • Set Pool Name: Sets pool name.
      • Pool Name: Pool Name.
      • Call Url on Connect: Requests Url when user tries to connect.
      • Url
      • Pricing Mode: Percentage of User's Profile Price or Fixed Price.
      • Price
      • Description
    • Edit: From ‘Actions’ click on Edit, You can edit data then submit.
    • Delete: Select addons, then Delete.