To have an overall look at system activities, ‘Reports’ exhibits system performance listing lengthy information on:
- System Log: Main system events for all managers such as manager login, reset password and user or manager creation.
- Managers Journal: Financial transfer between CR (credit) & DR (debitor) that is wholly performed by the system.
- Managers Invoices: All invoices are listed with whole details of issuance.
- Managers Receipts: Exhibits description, time and date details of each receipt..
- User Auth Log: Monitors user requests to server through NAS and server replay.
- Activation & Activation Statistics: Statistically and graphically monitoring old and new expiration of activated users with date, manager, and price data for daily or monthly activations.
- Profits: Illustrates profits from commissions and activations and total profits for all managers using coloured charts.
- Sessions: All user sessions details are listed in this report.
- Users: For an inclusive shot of active and expired users, report / users provides charts of users per managers/profile and registration of new users per month.
- Traffic: Shows total traffic usage for each month of the year.
- Money Transfers: Financial operations between CR (credit) & DR (debitor) with amount and date details. Note that advanced filter icon provides an easy search for operations types. You can select deposit/withdrawal to go through details.
- Online History: Showcases online users in specific date and time.
- Cards usage: A chart exhibits type of cards used and total value for each user.